
GU Chaolin
Tel: 86-10-62795186
Fax: 86-10-62795186
E-mail: [email protected]


Urban and Regional Planning

Urban Geography

Regional Economics



Ph.D. School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences, Nanjing  University, 1987

M.S. School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences, Nanjing  University, 1984

B.S. School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences, Nanjing  University, 1982


Professor (10/2006-present), School of Architecture, Tsinghua  University, Beijing, China

Professor (03/1998-10/2006), School of Geographic and Oceanographic  Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China

Dean (08/1999-08/2003), School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences,  Nanjing University, Nanjing, China

Post-doctoral Fellow (11/1988-10/1989), Institute of Geographic Sciences  and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,  China

Associate research professor, Deputy Director of the department of urban  geography (11/1989-09/1993), Institute of Geographic Sciences and  Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Research professor, Director of the department of urban geography  (10/1993-03/1998), Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural  Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China



1, Xinganmeng Planning Bureau, The Comprehensive Plan Greater of Ulanhot  city 2012-2013,

2 Nanjing Planning Bureau, Nanjing Jiangbei New Area Spatial Strategic  Planning, 2012

3, the key project of Beijing Philosophy and Social Science Planning,  Beijing construction of the World city (11CSA003), 2012

4, Harbin Songhua River Mountain Town Development and Construction  Office, low-carbon and eco-city planning in  Harbin, 2012

5, Harbin Planning Bureau, Study on the low-carbon city planning in  Harbin, 2011

6Government of Hebei Province, Circle Development Plan around the Beijing  2010-2011

7Construction  Bureau of Zhejiang Chunan County, Chunan county Coordinative Development  Strategic Planning, 2011

8, the Planning Bureau of Shaoxing City, Urban System planning in  Shaoxing, 2011

9, the Ministry of Land and Resources, the optimize layout of China's  cities, 2011

10Harbin  High-Tech Development Zone, planning of Songbei technological innovation  city in Harbin, 2010

11, National Science and Technology Support Program, Coordination  between planning of the main functional areas and urban planning  (2008BAH31B05) ,2008-201012

12, Department of Construction in Heilongjiang Provincial, Urban system  planning of Heilongjiang Province (General Report and thematic  guidance),2008-2010

13, Hubei provincial governmentUrbanization  and Urban Development in Hubei Province, 2010

14, Wuhan Hi-tech Development Zone, Donghu national innovation zone  planning in Wuhan, 2010

15, Development and Reform Commission in Heilongjiang Province, Planning  of Heixiazi Island protection and development, 2010

16, Hunan Province Goverment, Green heart development strategy planning  in the Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan (international tender),2009-2010

17, Bengbu City Planning Bureau, Development Strategy Plan in Bengbu2009-2010

18, China's urbanization: pattern, process and mechanism (40435013),2005  -2008,The key project of NNSF

19Process and mechanism of China's urbanization (20040284012),2005 -2008, Ministry  of Education Doctoral Fund

20Methods of consistency evaluation and coordination between main function  division and urban planning, 2009-2010, National Science and Technology  supported project

21LiBei low-carbon and eco-town planning, 2009, Lijin County, Shandong Province

22Urban system planning of Heilongjiang Province,2008-09, Department of  Construction in Heilongjiang Provincial

23Urban System Planning of the Yellow River Delta,2008-09, Construction  Department of Shandong Province

24Long-term development plan for Rongcheng City, 2008, Rongcheng City Construction  Bureau

25Concept Plan of the Weifang Economic Development Zone, 2008, Weifang Binhai  Economic Development Zone

26Development Strategic Planning for the Panjin Ship Building and Repairing Park of  the park, 2007, Panjin City, Liaoning Province

27Tangshan Southern spatial development strategic planning, 2007, Tangshan City  Planning Bureau

28Planning of Urban Agglomeration in the central Liaoning province, 2006-2008,  Construction Department of Liaoning province




Theory and Practice of Planning (20 students in autumn)

Research Methods in Planning (15 students in autumn)

International Exchange

Visiting scholar: September 1992-September 1993, Department of Geography  and Planning, University of Toronto, Canada (project from the Chinese  Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education)

Visiting professor: April- July 1994, Center of Environmental Management  and Urban Planning, University of Hong Kong (University of Hong Kong)

Visiting professor: April-October 1995, Institute of Social and Economic  Geography, KU Leuven, Belgium

Visiting professor: October 1996-January 1997, Center of Environmental  Management and Urban Planning, University of Hong Kong (University of  Hong Kong)

Visiting professor: September-November, 2000, Department of Geography,  Washington University, USA (the Henry Luce Foundation and Mellon  Foundation).

Visiting professor: October- December, 2002, Department of Geography,  University of Southampton, UK (The project is funded by the British  Council, High Education Linkage)



Young Scientist Award by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1989

Prize of Natural Sciences of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1995  (No.95Z-3-015-01)

Prize of scientific and technological progress, the Ministry of Civil  Affairs, 1996(No.96001-5)

State Prize of scientific and technological progress, 1997(No.  19-3-004-05)

Prize of philosophy and social sciences, Jiangsu Province, 1999, (No.  060004)

Award of the Trans-Century Training Program Foundation for the Talents  by MOE in 1999

Award of the BaiQianWan Talents Program in 2000

Award of the China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists,  2000

Awarded of Department of Construction in the Liaoning Provincial:  Planning of Huludao Development Zone2003

Awarded of Department of Construction in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous  Region: Xinganmeng urban development strategy planning,2004

Awarded of Department of Construction in Heilongjiang Province: Master  Plan of Harbin City ,2005

Awarded of Department of Construction in Heilongjiang Province: Harbin  Metropolitan Planning, 2007

Award of outstanding urban planning and design in Liaoning Province:  Planning for Urban Agglomeration in Liaoning,2009

Prize of National Urban Planning and Design: Planning for Urban  Agglomeration in Liaoning,2010


International Conference


International Conference on China’s Urban Transition and City  Planning,June 28-30,2007,Cardiff, UK,Keynote Speech: Evolution of  Chinese Urban System Since1949

The 4th International Conference on Population Geographies,July  10-13,2007,Hong Kong,China’s Floating Population: Spatial Transformation  and Spatial Structure

International Conference on Border Cities, Aug. 2-5, Macor, China's  Border Cities under Globalisation

The 9th Asian Urbanization Conference, Aug 18-23, 2007, Chun-Cheon,  Keroa, and Keynote Speech: Evolution of Chinese Urbanization Spaces:  1949-2003

UNESCAP Regional Seminar on Definitions and Measurement of Urban  Poverty, 22-23 November 2007, Bangkok, Definitions and Measurement of  Urban Poverty in China


The 13th Inter-University Seminar on Asian Mega-Cities, March 14-16,  2008, Quezon City, Philippines, SHANGHAI as a Global City: Perspective  from Yangtze River Delta Mega-city Region

2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOCIOLOGY,May 12-15, 2008, Athens,  Greece,Urban Sprawl Patterns of the Southern Jiangsu Province, the  Yangtze Delta in China.

International Symposium on Mega-City Regions: Innovations in Governance  and Planning, 5 August 2008, Hong Kong, Spatial Planning in the Yantze  River Delta

31st International Geographical Congress, Aug. 12-15, 2008, Tunis

44th ISOCARP Congress, 19-23 Sept. 2008, Dalian China


1.Towards A Sustainable Development PlanningChina-US  Professional Workshop on Regional Sustainable Development University of  WashingtonUSA, May 5-9, 2009

2.Growing Mega-Urban Regions in the Chinas  East Coastal AreaThe Patterns of the Chinese  Economic Development since the Reform,台湾中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心,  25-26 June 2009

3.China’s Urbanization10th  Asian Urbanization ConferenceHong Kong, Aug.  17-18, 2009

4. Climate Change and Urbanization in the Yangtze River DeltaMultilayered  Cities and Urban Systems: Urban geographical commission, IGU  Hyderabad,  India, 30th July – 9th August, 2009


1.China’s Northwest Islamic Culture Areas and Its Challenges4th  International Congress of the Islamic World Geographers (ICWG2010)     Zahedan, Iran,14-16 April 2010

2.Beijing: Planning a Socialist Chinese Capital and New World CityInternational  Conference on China Urban Development   Hong Kong, 7-8 December,2010


1.Chinese Urbanization Process and Polices: Geologial Metaphor ApproachPakistan  Urban Forum 2011  Lahore, Pakistan, 1-4,March 2011

2.Transformation of Urban Spatial Structure under the Service Economy:  the case of BeijingSymposium  on Producer Services and China’s Economic and Urban Development  The  University of Hong Kong, 20 May,2011

3.Beijings  small flat for new graduates: Tangjialing case study2nd  International Conference on Chinas Urban  Transition and City Planning  Cardiff Wales UK, 27-28 May 2011

4.Chinese urbanization process and policies: Geologial Metaphor ApproachInternational  Conference on Urbanization  and Development in China  University of  Utah, USA. 2011/08/25-27

5. Spatial and Social Features of Mega-cities Growth in China: Beijing  Case StudyUGI  2011Regional Geographic Conference14  to 18 NovemberEscuela Militar  Santiago Chile, 2011/11/14-18


1.Development Plan for Beijing Capital Circle: New Approach on  Construction a World Citythe  Sino-German Conference on “Regionalplanung und Raumordnung-Gegenwartige  Entwicklungen in Deutschland und China” Assmannshausen, Germany between  August 19-23,2012

2.Transformation of Urban Spatial Structure under Service Economy: The Case of BeijingIGC Cologne 2012 Cologne, Germany

3.Spatial and Social Features of Mega-cities Growth in China: Beijing  Case StudyInternational  Seminar on Contemporary Mainstreams in Metropolitan Transformations BRIC  Countries in the Foreground, 13th June 2012 Faculty of Architecture, U  of Florence, Italy

4. Spatial and Social Transformation of Mega-cities Growth in China: Beijing Case StudyInternational  Conference on Spatial and Social Transformation in Urban China  13-14  December, 2012. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University


Social organization

Member, urban geography Professional Committee ,International  Geographical Union

Member ,International Institute of Urban and Regional Planning

Councilman of the Geographical Society of China

Vice President of the future research Society of China

Councilman of Urban Studies Society of China

Councilman of the Geology and Mineral Resources Economic Society,  Ministry of Land and Resources

Councilman of Urban Planning Society of China, deputy director of urban  economics and regional planning committees

Members of the expert Panel of NDRC

Member of Urban Planning expert Panel of MOHURD

Editorial board members

Chief Editor: “Journal of Urban and Regional Planning” (in Chinese)

Member of Editorial board for international Journals, such as, the  International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Frontiers of  Architecture and Civil Engineering in China (FAC)

Member of Editorial board for Chinese Journals, City Planning Review,  Urban Planning Forum, Urban Studies, Planners, Urban Problems,  Architecture in Central China, Acta Geographica Sinica, Geographical  Research, Scientia Geographica Sinica, Economic Geography, Human  Geography, Resources and Environment in the Yangtze River basin, Arid  zone geography, progress of geographical science,etc.



There are more than 27 monographs and 330 papers since 1986.

Selected Journal Articles in English

1. Chaolin  Gu, Jianfa Shen, Kwan-yin Wong, Feng Zhen,2001,Regional polarization  under the socialist-market system since 1978-a case study of Guangdong  province in south China,Environment and Planning A,Vol.33,pp.97-119

2. GU Chaolin,2001,Social Polarization and Segregation in Beijing,Chinese  Geographical Science,Vol.11,No.1,pp.17-26

3. GU Chaolin and Christian Kestelot, 2001, Beijing’s Social-spatial Structure  in Transition, TRIALOG 68, 1/2001, pp.17-24.

4. GU Chaolin, ZHANG Hong, XU Yilun et al,2003,Study on the Theory and Mothod  of Tourism Planning,SCIENTIA GEOGRAPUICA SINICA,Vol. 23, No.1, pp. 52-59

5. Chaolin Gu and Jianafa Shen,2003,Transformation of urban socio-spatial structure  in socialist market economies: the case of Beijing,Habitat  International,Volume 27, Issue 1 pp.107-122

6. Kwan-yiu Wong, Jianfa Shen, Zhiqiang Feng, Chaolin Gu,2003,An  Analysis of Dual-Track Urbanization in the Pearl River Delta Since  1980,Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie,2003, Vol.94.  No.2, PP.205-218

7. YU Taofang, GU Chaolin,2004,Influential Factors Combination and Competitive  Advantages in Stages of Urban Competitiveness: Case Study of Suzhou in  China, Chinese Geographical Science,Vol. 14, No. 3, Pp. 202-208, 2004.

8. Jianfa SHEN, Roger C K CHAN, Chaolin GU,2005,Introduction: Exploring Urban  Governance in Contemporary China,Asian Geographer,2004,Vol.23,No.1-2,1-2

9. Chaolin GU, Hua Jiang,2005,Restructuring of Urban administrative area and urban  coverance in Nanjing,Asian Geographer,2004,Vol.23,No.1-2,37-54

10. Chaolin Gu, Fahui Wang, Guili Liu,2005,The Structure of Space in Beijing  in 1998: A socialist city in Transition,Urban Geography,2005,Vol.26,No.  2,167-192

11. Chen,G.,  GU C, WU F, 2006, Urban poverty in the transitional economy: a case of  Nanjing, China, Habitat International, Vol 30/1 pp 1-26

12. GUChaolin,  Roger C. K. Chan, Jinyuan Liu and Christian Kesteloot, 2006, Beijing’s  Socio-Spatial Restructuring: Immigration and Social Transformation in  the Epoch of National Economic Reformation, Progress in Planning,  Vol.66, Part 4, pp242-310

13. Ronghua  Ma, Chaolin GU, Yingxia Pu and Xiaodong Ma, 2008, Mining the Urban  Sprawl Pattern: A case Study on Sunan, China, Sensors, 8(10):6371-6395

14. Gu  Chaolin, Yuan Xiaohui, Li Ping and Ian G. Cook  China’s  Northwest Islamic Culture Area and Its Challenges The Arab World  Geographer  Vol.12,No1-2,2009    PP.107-120

15. YH.Dennis  Wei and Chaolin GU  Industrial Development and Spatial Structure  in Changzhou City, China: The Restructuring of the Sunan Model  Urban  Geography    Vol.31,No.3,2010         PP.321-347

16. Su,  W., Gu, C., and Yang, G  Assessing the Impact of Land Use/Land Cover on  Urban Heat Island Pattern in Nanjing City, China   Journal of   Urban  Planning  and Development    Vol.136No.4,2010  PP.365–372.

17. Chaolin GU,Guo  CHEN and Fulong WU   New Urban Poverty in Chinese Transitional  Economy: Evidence from Beijing and Nanjing   Science Reports of  Tohoko University 7th Series (Geography)  Vol.57,No.1/2(2010,2010  PP.1-23

18. Chaolin Gu and Fulong WU Urbanization in China: Processes and  Policies  The China Review  Vol.10,No.1.,2010   PP.1-10

19. GU  Chaolin, HAN Sunsheng  Climate change and China’s Mega urban region  Frontiers Architecture and Civil Engineering in China   Vol.4 No.3  ,2010 PP.1-13

20. Zhang, H., Gu C.L., Gu L.W. & Zhang, Y. The evaluation of tourism  destination competitiveness by TOPSIS & information entropy ---- A case  in the Yangtze River Delta of China   Tourism Management(SCI) Vol.32No.2,2011       PP.443-451

21. Gu, C; Lingqian Hu, Xiaoming Zhang, Xiaodan Wang and Jing Guo  Climate  Change and Urbanization in the Yangtze River Delta  Habitat  International  Vol.35No.4,2011  PP.544-552

22. GU Chaolin, Wu Liya and Ian COOK  Progress in research on Chinese  urbanization  Frontiers of Architectural Research  Vol.1No.2,2012  PP.101-149

Selected conference proceedings in English

1. The 13th Inter-University Seminar on Asian Mega-Cities, March 14-16,  2008,Quezon City, Philippines, SHANGHAI as a Global City:Perspective  from Yangtze River Delta Mega-city Region

2. 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOCIOLOGY,May 12-15, 2008, Athens,  Greece,Urban Sprawl Patterns of the Southern Jiangsu Province, the  Yangtze Delta in China.

3. International Symposium on Mega-City Regions: Innovations in  Governance and Planning, 5 August 2008,Hong Kong, Spatial Planning in  the Yantze River Delta

4. 31st International Geographical Congress,Aug. 12-15, 2008,  Tunis:Mining the Urban Sprawl Pattern: A case Study on Sunan, China

5. Towards A Sustainable Development PlanningChina-US  Professional Workshop on Regional Sustainable Development University of  WashingtonUSA, May 5-9, 2009

6. Growing Mega-Urban Regions in the Chinas  East Coastal AreaThe Patterns of the Chinese  Economic Development since the Reform,台湾中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心,  25-26 June 2009

7. China’s Urbanization10th  Asian Urbanization ConferenceHong Kong, Aug.  17-18, 2009

8. Climate Change and Urbanization in the Yangtze River DeltaMultilayered  Cities and Urban Systems: Urban geographical commission, IGU  Hyderabad,  India, 30th July – 9th August, 2009

9. China’s Northwest Islamic Culture Areas and Its Challenges4th  International Congress of the Islamic World Geographers (ICWG2010)     Zahedan, Iran,14-16 April 2010

10. Beijing: Planning a Socialist Chinese Capital and New World CityInternational  Conference on China Urban Development   Hong Kong, 7-8 December,2010

11. Chinese Urbanization Process and Polices: Geologial Metaphor  ApproachPakistan  Urban Forum 2011    Lahore, Pakistan, 1-4,March 2011

12. Transformation of Urban Spatial Structure under the Service Economy:  the case of BeijingSymposium  on Producer Services and China’s Economic and Urban Development    The  University of Hong Kong, 20 May,2011

13. Beijings  small flat for new graduates: Tangjialing case study2nd  International Conference on Chinas Urban  Transition and City Planning    Cardiff Wales  UK, 27-28 May 2011

14. Chinese urbanization process and policies: Geologial Metaphor  ApproachInternational  Conference on Urbanization  and Development in China  University of  Utah, USA. 2011/08/25-27

15. Spatial and Social Features of Mega-cities Growth in China: Beijing  Case StudyUGI  2011Regional Geographic Conference14  to 18 NovemberEscuela Militar   Santiago Chile, 2011/11/14-18

16. Development Plan for Beijing Capital Circle: New Approach on  Construction a World Citythe  Sino-German Conference on “Regionalplanung und Raumordnung-Gegenwartige  Entwicklungen in Deutschland und China” Assmannshausen, Germany between  August 19-23,2012

17. Transformation of Urban Spatial Structure under Service Economy: The  Case of BeijingIGC  Cologne 2012    Cologne, Germany

18. Spatial and Social Features of Mega-cities Growth in China: Beijing  Case StudyInternational  Seminar on Contemporary Mainstreams in Metropolitan Transformations BRIC  Countries in the Foreground, 13th June 2012 Faculty of Architecture, U  of Florence, Italy

19. Spatial and Social Transformation of Mega-cities Growth in China:  Beijing Case StudyInternational  Conference on Spatial and Social Transformation in Urban China  13-14  December, 2012. Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University


Selected Book Chapters (in English):

1. GU, Chaolin. 1996. Economic and Social Development in South China.  Stewart Macpherson and Joseph Y.S. Cheng (eds.), Edward Elgar,  Cheltenham, UK, Brookfield, U.S. (in English)

2. GU, Chaolin. 1999. “Social polarization and segregation phenomenon  in Beijing.” Pages 359-377 in Adrian Guillermo (ed.), Problems of  Megacities: Social Inequalities, Environmental Risk and Urban  Governance, Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico. (in English)

3. GU, Chaolin. 1997. “High technology parks in China.” Manas Chatterji  and Yang Kaizhong (eds.), in Regional Science in Developing Countries,  Ipswich Book Company Ltd., Ipswich, Suffolk. (in English)

4. GU Chaolin, Shen Jianfa, YU Taofang, 2004, Urban and Regional  Development,in Y M Yeung & Shen Jianfa eds. Developing China’s West: A  Critical Path to Balanced National Development,The Chinese University  Press, p.177-212. (in English)

5. GU Chaolin,Chen Lu, Jiang Hua, Hu Liya,2004,China’s Urbanization and  Economic and Social Development Since the Reform and Opening Up,in  Michael Pacione eds. Changing Cities:International Perspectives,IGU  Urban Commission and Strathclyde University Publishing. (in English)

6. Gu Chaolin and Haiyong Liu, 2001, Social Polarization and  Segregation in Beijing,John R. Logan edited :The New Chinese City:  Globalization and market reform, Blackwell Publishers. (in English)

7. Chaolin GU and Taofang YU,2002,Globalization and Extended  Metropolitan Regions in China’s Esstern Coastal Region,in Inn Kim edited  by Diversity of Urban Development and Urban Life,Seoul Nantional  University Press. (in English)

8. Chaolin GU, Guo Chen, Chaoyang Huang, Feng Zhen  etc.,2002,Globalization, Industrial Restructuring and Shifts:The New  Industrial Zong in Shenzhen,in Kwan-yiu and Jianfa Shen edited by  Resource Management, Urbanization and Governance in Hong Kong and the  Zhujiang Delta The Chinese University Press. (in English)

9. GU C. & KESTELOOT C,2002,Beijing's socio-spatial structure in  transition, in SCHNELL I. & OSTENDORF W. eds. Studies in segregation and  desegregation,Ashgate,Aldershot, p.285-311. (in English)

10. GU Chaolin, Shen Jianfa, YU Taofang, 2004, Urban and Regional  Development, in Y M Yeung & Shen Jianfa eds. Developing China’s West: A  Critical Path to Balanced National Development, The Chinese University  Press, p.177-212. (in English)

11. GU Chaolin,Chen Lu, Jiang Hua, Hu Liya,2004,China’s Urbanization  and Economic and Social Development Since the Reform and Opening Up,in  Michael Pacione eds. Changing Cities:International Perspectives,IGU  Urban Commission and Strathclyde University Publishing. (in English)

12. Gu Chaolin, Pang Haifeng, 2007, Evolution of Chinese Urbanization  Spaces: 1949-2003, In Yan Xiaopei and Xue Desheng edit “Urban  Development, Planning and Governance in Globalization”. Sun Yat-Sen  University Press

13Gu Chaolin and Ian G. Cook  Beijing: Socialist Chinese Capital and  New World City   edited by Stephen Hamnett and Dean Forbe,

Planning, History and Environment Series, Planning Asian Cities: Risks  and Resilience    Routledg ,2011  PP.90-130

14. Gu ChaolinHe  Ding and Yuan Xuaohui  Transformation of the urban spatial structure  under a service economy: the case of Beijing  Edited by Anthony G O  Yeh and Fiona F Yang, Producer Services in China  Routledg,2013  PP.231-267

Selected Books in Chinese

1. GU, Chaolin. 1992. China’s Urban System. Beijing: The Commercial Press. (In  Chinese).

2. GU, Chaolin. 1995. China’s Urban Fringe, Beijing: Science Press. (In  Chinese)

3. GU, Chaolin. 1997. China’s High-tech Industries and High-tech Parks,  Beijing: Zhongxin Press. (in Chinese)

4. GU, Chaolin. 1999. China’s Urban Geography. Beijing: The Commercial Press.  (In Chinese).

5. GU, Chaolin, 2002, Urban Sociology(Textbook), Nnajing: The South-East  University Press (in Chinese)

6. GU, Chaolin, Yao Xing and Shen Jianfa, 2003, Urban Governance, Nnajing: The  South-East University Press (in Chinese)

7. GU, Chaolin. 2003, Concept Planning, The Construction Industrial Press,  Beijing. (In Chinese)

8. GU, Chaolin. 2003, Urban System Planning, The Construction Industrial Press,  Beijing. (in Chinese)

9. GU, Chaolin et al. 2007, Metropolitan Planning, The Construction Industrial  Press, Beijing. (in Chinese)

10. GU, Chaolin et al. 2008, Schools of Thought for Human Geography (Textbook),  The High Education Press, Beijing. (In Chinese)

11. GU, Chaolin et al. 2008, China’s Urbanization: Patterns, Process and  Mechanism. Beijing: Science Press. (In Chinese)

12. GU,Chaolin.2013. Climate change and low-carbon urban planning. Nanjing:  Southeast University Press.

13. GU, Chaolin, Zhao Min, 2012, Study on provincial Urbanization, Southeast  University Press.

14. GU, Chaolin,et al., 2012, Studies on the overall planning in Beijing  metropolitan area,the Science Press.

15. Li, Zhigang and GU, Chaolin. 2011. China's urban social space restructuring.  Nanjing: Southeast University Press

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